Welcome to Vasavya Mahila Mandali
Established in 1969, Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM) is registered in 1975, International year of women. Vasavya is an acronymgiven by Gora (given intro to Gora). Vasavya stands for Reality- speaking truth, Social outlook – be empathetic towards all and develop individual personality – be bold & courageous. It is a Gandhian, secular, not for profit, women-led, Non-Governmental civil society organisation.
Founder Chennupati Vidya
Chennupati Vidya, a Gandhian, humanist, atheist, social change leader and senior Indian Parliamentarian (7th and 9th Lok Sabha), was born in 1934. She was trained in Gandhiji’s Sevagram Ashram during her childhood in Maganwadi, a community development center. VMM is her brain-child. She was a visionary in initiating and bridging gap between people at the bottom of the pyramid and government through lobbying,
Message from the President
Welcome to Vasavya Mahila Mandali, a social impact organization transforming the lives of the women and children since its inception. I am proud to say that I am the second generation spearheading VMM in its golden jubilee year. With half a century of legacy, hand holding support has been provided to people transcending different generations. We work towards empowering women, girls and children to lead a confident and courageous life and face crisis by evolving a potent volunteer force of change makers with gender inclusion.
We believe in institutional sustainability through strengthening of systems, governance, and efficiency of deliverables. VMM is playing a key catalyst to bring change in policies via innovative strategies. For example, VMM facilitates Mahila Mitra, a movement for grass root women to work in collaboration with the Vijayawada City Police to prevent violence against women and children by triggering a change in the attitudes and behaviours of patriarchy. Mahila Mitra aims to make Vijayawada city a safe city for all, particularly women. VMM is known for its activism, passion and commitment in building a society with happy families and human values.

Dr. Bollineni Keerthi
Vasavya Focus
Heatlh and Nutrition


Skill Development & Livelihoods

Human Rights


What people say about us
"Vasavya Mahila Mandali is indeed providing life transforming opportunities for hundreds of families affected or infected by HIV in urban and rural villages of the Krishna District and beyond. HIV is currently accepted and managed as a chronic treatable disease and VMM is playing a crucial role in delivering that message to the people of Andhra Pradesh… A small but well organized, dedicated staff has been trained to include and motivate members of each community to support and care for their own, and the results are truly amazing! VMM deserves to be recognized as the leading example for India of HIV/AIDS community education, prevention, home-based care, treatment, and follow-up."
Donna M. Guenther, M.D
" I came to VMM in July 2007 for three months from the United States as a part of my training to receive my Masters in Public Health. During that time, I was able to gain a deep understanding of the issues facing women and children in India, especially as it relates to HIV/Health, and also gain an appreciation for the type of work that VMM does for the community."
Reema Shah
"When invited to share some words about my experience working with VMM, I again felt a sense of honor. Originally, I was honored with a chance to get to know, learn from, and be inspired by a dedicated group of individuals. Now, on such a noteworthy occasion, the experience comes full circle. I am able to venerate those who treated me with great respect and instilled the confidence in me to be a part of a small portion of VMM’s considerable work."
Ms. Haley McCaig
“A number of NGOs may be contributing for human capital development but VMM stands aloft with it’s quite a laudable contribution of human capital development for the generation of quality human resources by having an astute institutionalized interface with Universities and Colleges, the places of higher learning that produce graduates and postgraduates to the country to handle complex tasks of building the nation."