Accredidated to
International HIV/AIDS Alliance,UK
International Rehabilitation center for Torture Victims,Denmark
Assessment and Empanelment Standards for Development Institutions in India(TISS AESDII)
Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) | Creches for children |
Counsel for Advancement of Peoples’ Action for Rural Technology (CAPART), GOI | 1. Skill development for rural youth / women: Television & radio mechanism, tailoring, embroidery 2. Gramasreemela, marketing by artisans 3. Drinking Water Awareness Camps, installation of bore wells, low cost sanitation, rural housing |
Department of Women Development and Child welfare, Ministry of Human resource Development, Government of India (GOI) | 1. Working women’s hostel construction grant 2. Short Stay Home / Swadhar Home for girls and women 3. Employment back up skill development training programmes under NORAD: in Television assembly, Garment Making, Housekeeping in Hotels, Beauty culture, computers and type writing and short hand. 4. Seminar on Role of women in changing society |
Ministry of Textiles, GOI | Training for women in Carpet weaving, Bathik Printing, cane and Bamboo training |
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI | Day care center for the aged |
Ministry of Education, GOI | Non formal education to school drop out |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI | 1. Promotion of Small Family Norm 2. Swetcha Gora Eye Bank |
Ministry of Rural Development, GOI | Core group workshop |
Ministry of Postal and Telecommunications, GOI | Licensed Postal agency |
Ministry of Welfare, GOI | 1. Balwadis 2. Tailoring and Housekeeping training |
Ministry of Food, GOI | 1. Community Based Nutrition Food, Dhal Analogue unit |
Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) | 1. Micro enterprise develop programme (MEDP) 2. Rural Enterprise Development Programme (REDP) 3. Marketing promotion for SHGs 4. Tribal development Fund: MaaThota programme |
National Integration Council, Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI | Seminars on National Integration |
National Institute of Social Defense, Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI | Training programme on Voluntary Participation in Social Defense and Prevention of drug abuse and alcoholism |
National AIDs Control Organisation (NACO) | HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination reduction programme. Lead Organisation* |
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, GOI | Credit limits to women SHGs |
Government of Andhra Pradesh: Department of Women Development and Child welfare, Health & Family Welfare, Youth affairs | 1. Anganwadi Teachers Training Center 2. Multi-Purpose Health Workers (MPHW) Training Institute 3. Trainings on health education, Role of youth in changing society, social forestry |
Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (APSACS) | 1. Partnership Sexual health project among Street Children in Vijayawada 2. Targeted Intervention for HIV prevention and care among Migrant population in Vijayawada 3. prevention of parent to child Transmission (PPTCT) outreach programme 4. “MeeNestham “ Mobile Integrated Counselling and Testing Center under Public Private Partnership in match with funds from VMM/Abbott Fund 5. Capacity building to PPTCT Out Reach Programme staff in AP |
IL&FS | PPTCT outreach programme |
District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) Krishna and West Godavari districts | 1. Training for girls in Crochet Lace Making, knitting, Tailoring and embroidery 2. Training for SHGs in low cost food preparation 3. Construction grant for a training shed |
Krishna District Sports Authority, Nehru Yuva Kendra Krishna and KRISHI | 1. District sports meet for women 2. Training in Knitting |
Krishna District Blindness Control Society | Swetcha Gora Eye Bank |
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) | 1. Polio Corrective Surgeries 2. Managing urban Health centers as a co-management agency |
Abbott Fund, USA | 1. Picturing Hope: Looking through their eyes: Lead Organisation 2. Community based Pediatric Dash Board Programme: Lead Organisation 3. Saraswathi Gora Youth Centre for street youth 4. Health on wheels and Mobile ICTC 5. Children’s Village: A Transit Home for OVC 6. Disaster management Programme |
ArthikSamataMandal (ASM) / Plan India | 1. Universal birth registration (UBR) awareness programme |
ArthikSamataMandal (ASM) / Plan India | Universal birth registration (UBR) awareness programme |
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | 1. Community based HIV/AIDS care and support programme 2. Pediatric Care, Support and treatment programme |
Care India | Safety nets for HIV affected families through micro enterprises. Lead Organisation* |
Chennupati Seshagiri Rao memorial Charitable Trust | 1. Utensils for Mid-Day meal programme 2. Building Infrastructure in Government schools 3. Education supplies for school and college going students |
Clinton Foundation | Pediatric Care, Support and treatment programme: Lead Organisation |
Deutsche Bank Asia Foundation Hong Kong/ Education Development Centre, Inc (EDC), Bangkok | 1. Education and Knowledge Building Programme: Lead Organisation 2. Sponsorship programme for youth |
Family Health International (FHI) | “Balasahayoga” - care and support of children affected by HIV. Lead Organisation* |
Humanists Association, Norway | Gora Abhaya Nivas- Women’s shelter for Counseling of women in need - protection, legal guidance, vocational training, rehabilitation |
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, UK / India | 1. Home and community Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support Programme: Lead Organisation* 2. Feminization of HIV/AIDS in Sexual Reproductive Health: Lead Organization* 3. CHAHA: Children Healthy and Happy : Child centric HIV/AIDS care and support program: SR/ Lead Organisation* 4. Koshish: sexual reproductive health and rights among PLHIV and Key population |
International Organization for Migration (IOM) Geneva | Women Empowerment program through livelihoods |
Oak Foundation, Geneva | Rehabilitation of torture victims |
Sanghamitra Service Society/Big lottery Fund U.K | Improving the education and Health of children and communities in Vijayawada |
TB Alert, UK | 1. TB-HIV co-infection Programme 2. Pediatric TB-HIV Co-Infection Project |
TB Alert India: DFID civil society fund | Tuberculosis among the underserved communities (tribal, rural and slum population) in Andhra Pradesh. |
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Torture (UNVFT), Geneva | Prevention and Rehabilitation of torture victims |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | 1. Trafficking and HIV/AIDS 2. Stigma and discriminating reduction among children affected by HIV through child centric approach |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), India | Study on Drug addiction among the youth in Vijayawada |
UNICEF, Hyderabad | Study on Assessing the vulnerability of children in Krishna district |
Unniti Foundation, USA | 1. Empowerment of women 2. Sponsorship for girls education |
World Bank | Study on care and support current provisions for AIDS orphans |
World Vision | Training of staff on community based HIV care and support. |
Pepal, UK | Executive Development and Innovation programmes that bring together the private and non-profit sectors for the benefit of disadvantaged communities. |
World Health Organization (WHO): India country office | Development of modules on Pediatric Counseling |
Family Planning Association of India | Capacity building in HIV-SRH integration |
Centotech Services,Hyderabad |
COIGN, Hyderabad |